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endocrine disorder中文是什么意思

用"endocrine disorder"造句"endocrine disorder"怎么读"endocrine disorder" in a sentence


  • 内分泌病症
  • 内分泌紊乱


  • Establishment of female adult rat models with acute stress reproductive - endocrine disorder
  • These irradiations may cause an agitating mood , the endocrine disorder , which makes human body system out of balance
  • Long - term abusers commonly suffer endocrine disorder , conjunctivitis , bronchitis and smoking - related diseases
  • Ginseng has been taken for many reasons , such as general health and vitality , fatigue , immune function , cardiovascular disease , endocrine disorders , cognitive function , viral infections , and enhancing athletic performance
  • Traditional chinese medicine says the causes of oral ulcer that are always associated with lower immunity , endocrine disorders , hereditary factors , overstrain and fatigue are complicated . find out the causes and the right remedy can be prescribed for the illness
  • Personmood happy when can cause the plant nerve to be excited , displays hasa ruddy complexion , face glowing with health ; otherwise , if the personalways looks distressed or the heart annoying dry , then can theexcited sympathetic nerve , cause the endocrine disorder , causes theperson to look like the appearance thin and pale is old
用"endocrine disorder"造句  
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